TECOM Shanghai 2023
Diversity for Innovation 多元化创新
In 2023, we find ourselves in a year of reopening borders, reconnecting with the world, forging new connections, and learning from one another for the greater good. There is no doubt that diversity serves as the foundation of innovation, and we are excited to celebrate it with all of you on October 27th as part of the Caohejing Hi-Tech Carnival.
2023 年一路走来,我们终于处于重新开放边界、重新与世界恢复原有的联系、建立新的连接以及为了人类的更高利益而相互学习的一年。毫无疑问,多元化是创新的基础,我们很高兴能在10月27日的漕河泾科创嘉年华系列活动与大家一起探讨交流这一重要主题。
TECOM Shanghai 2023, themed "Diversity for Innovation," will bring together aspiring entrepreneurs, innovative startups, tech enthusiasts, and international corporations under one roof. We aim to showcase the incredible possibilities that arise when diversity, equity, and inclusion drive decision-making. As always, anticipate gaining valuable insights from an impressive lineup of speakers, acquiring practical knowledge through hands-on workshops, participating in startup demos, and connecting with like-minded individuals. Please mark your calendars and reserve your seats now for this exciting event.
TECOM Shanghai 2023 以 "多元化创新"为主题,将有抱负的创业者、创新型初创企业、科技爱好者和国际企业汇聚一堂。我们的目标是展示当多元化、公平和包容推动决策时所产生的不可思议的可能性。与往常一样,我们期待你从令人印象深刻的演讲嘉宾阵容中获得有价值的灵感,通过工作坊获得实用知识,参与初创企业演示,并与志同道合的人建立联系。马上在你的日历上做好标记,并立即预订座位,来参加这一激动人心的活动。
Join us at TECOM Shanghai 2023, where we're set to unravel the potential of diversity in reshaping and propelling innovation forward. This is your opportunity to not only gain thought-provoking insight but also connect with visionary founders, top-tier industry professionals, and leading experts during panel discussions and keynotes. Add to the diversity at TECOM Shanghai 2023 with your unique perspective and ideas, while also coming away with re-defined expectations of integrating diversity on a business and individual level.
与我们一起参加TECOM Shanghai 2023,我们将揭示多元化在重塑和推动创新方面的潜力。这是一次绝佳的机会,您不仅能收获发人深省的见解,还能在小组讨论和主题演讲中与富有远见的创始人、顶级行业专业人士和专家交流。您专业的视角和想法将为TECOM Shanghai 2023的多元化增添光彩,同时也将为企业和个人层面的多元化整合带来新的活力。
Krystal Qi
Senior Product UX DesignerIKEA
Join us at the Live Podcast Stage as emerging podcasters from Shanghai host engaging conversations with anticipated guest speakers and pioneering founders from the demo booths. Be sure to watch out! They also plan to whisk audience members up to hear their take on TECOM 2023!
快来参加我们的现场播客舞台!来自上海的新晋播客将与演讲嘉宾和创始人展开对话,绝对不要错过!在现场,他们还将随机邀请观众进行对话,聆听他们对 TECOM 2023 的看法!
This is your chance to network with startups, technology providers, and vendors, and to accelerate your product, business, or idea. Step in. Showcase how diversity and inclusion have ignited innovation within your startup, guiding you on that unique path of success!
This special month sparks an exciting collaboration that promises to ignite fresh discussions and inspire transformative new waves of thinking. TECOM and S-Monthly Pitch are coming together to explore the theme of 'Diversity for Innovation'! Since 2020, S创 has been organising monthly pitch events that have platformed businesses from a wide range of industries, including artificial intelligence, environmental, and consumer tech. However, this time, it's happening right here at TECOM! Ten exceptional innovators will be invited to showcase their ground-breaking ideas.
在这个特别的十月,将有一场激动人心的合作,有望点燃新的讨论,激发变革性的新思维浪潮。TECOM 和 S-Monthly Pitch 将共同探讨 "多元化创新 "这一主题!自 2020 年起,S 创一直在举办月度创投活动,为来自人工智能、环境和消费技术等广泛行业的企业提供平台。这一次,S创月度路演将在 TECOM 舞台举办!十位杰出的创新者将受邀展示他们的开创性想法。
We're excited to welcome the Lab to TECOM on October 27th. It's a great opportunity to meet their team in person, receive free advice on AI, IoT, and other cutting-edge technologies, learn about business cases, and find inspiration. Please visit their booth for on-the-spot consultations.
微软实验室将于2023年10月27日参加由 TECOM 组织的“Diversity For Innovation”线下活动。机会难得,和微软实验室专业团队面对面交流与人工智能、物联网和其他前沿技术相关的内容,了解他们的案例并从中获得启发。欢迎来TECOM大会,前往微软实验室的展位进行互动,了解更多。
Microsoft AI & IoT Insider Lab
Affiliated with Microsoft headquarters, Microsoft AI & IoT Insider Lab (hereinafter referred to as "the Lab") is a global joint co-innovation organization established by Microsoft to facilitate the development and industrialization of innovative AI and other solutions and applications for companies. Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
Regarding workshops, a whirlwind of innovative ideas and fresh approaches will take center stage led by key facilitators. It is a great opportunity to learn one specific topic offered by the expert leading it, to foster collaboration, and to have deeper, and more laser-focused conversations.
Storytelling for Change: Leveraging Diverse Narratives to Drive Inclusivity and Equality
讲故事,促变革: 利用多元化叙事推动包容与平等
In this engaging workshop, you'll delve into the captivating world of storytelling's pivotal role in social media marketing. You'll discover how harnessing the dynamic force of diverse narratives can ignite inspiration, foster a sense of community, and propel your business forward.
Modern Innovation: Adapting and Collaborating to AI Transformation
Technically innovation is not limited to just the techies. Now with LLM, the product team and service R&D team can benefit through experience transformation. Come with your pain points and in this workshop, we will implement modern innovation.
技术创新不仅意味着技术人员要创新。 如今,在大语言模型下,产品团队和服务研发团队都能从人工智能转型中获益。如果遇到了难题,请来参加本次工作坊,我们将实现现代创新。
Date & time: 27th Oct, 10:00-17:00
Address: Building 7, Lane 1528 Gumei Road, Xuhui, Shanghai
活动地址: 漕河泾开发区会议中心
China Merchants Bank Shanghai Branch
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